Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Why you don’t “call out” other people when they say something offensive

Photo via The Usher (stock.xchng)

The offender is an authority figure to you
You really like and admire the offender
You really need something from the offender
You want to have or already have a romantic relationship with the offender
You are in public and don’t want to embarrass the offender
You are at a festive occasion (wedding, Thanksgiving dinner, etc.) and don’t want to bring negative vibes
You were never taught to assert yourself
You asserted yourself in childhood and were severely punished for it
You asserted yourself in childhood and no one paid attention
You called out the person before and got severely rebuked
You called out the person before and were laughed at
You called out the person before and were ignored
You called out the person before, he/she seemed to accept it, and later kept on offending
You don’t think it’s a big deal
You don’t think the offense is offensive
It’s not your job to educate people

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